Music and Arts

The Music & Arts Department comprises three major areas – Music, Drama and Dance. The main purpose of all three areas is to use our God-given talents and gifts to glorify Him. Through prayer and practice, we prepare ourselves physically and spiritually to worship the Lord during special events, concerts, and services.

The Music Department meets on Wednesday evenings to pray, practice, and prepare to lead worship during regular services held on Fridays and Sundays. Our main focus is to exalt the Name of Jesus so that His presence is manifested in a tangible way.  As He is corporately magnified, the power of the Holy Spirit is released to touch and transform lives, by bringing healing, deliverance, joy, comfort and much more; connecting humanity with divinity.

The Drama and Dance teams also have separate meeting times where prayer and preparation are paramount to successful performances that edify the Body of Christ when presented at our special events.

There are specific audition periods scheduled throughout the year for all three areas, seeking out people with gifts and talents that would bless God’s people.  If you feel called to the Music & Arts Department, have any questions or need further information, please contact Theo Bessem at